Avid Editor's Insights

Crazy Jihadi Preacher

Posted by avideditor on March 5, 2008

These are some of the crazy quotes from this guy. 

Islam teaches us to do things professionally. Doing things professionally is a religious duty.The Prophet said that Allah ordered to excel in everything. He imposed excellence and professionalism. Professionalism must be followed in everything. “If you kill, do it properly, and if you slaughter, do it properly.” Even when killing, you must do well.Unfortunately, we do not excel in either military or civil industries. We import everything from needles to missiles. This is our nation. We still haven’t manufactured an engine in our Arab countries.[…]How come the Zionist gang has managed to be superior to us, despite being so few?It has become superior through knowledge, through technology, and through strength. It has become superior to us through work.We had the desert before our eyes but we didn’t do anything with it. When they took over, they turned it into a green oasis.How can a nation that does not work progress? How can it grow?

One Response to “Crazy Jihadi Preacher”

  1. Hassan said

    Who is this? This guy is not crazy. In this clip, he does not seem to be employing extreme language. He is railing against Arab culture for its lack of a work ethic and its dependence on cultures that do. Is he really a jihadist? If anything, they might not like this fellow for calling Arabs lazy. He is spot on in his observation of Middle Eastern work patterns.

    Sounds like he is going to invite the “Zionist Gang” in to do his landscaping!


    Hassan ben Sobar al Weik

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