Avid Editor's Insights

Sarkozy calls for a halt to ‘colonization’ during Peres’s state visit

Posted by avideditor on March 10, 2008

It looks like Sarkozy is just as bad as his predecessor for Israel. I am disappointed.

Sarkozy calls for a halt to ‘colonization’ during Peres’s state visit: “”

(Via avideditorla’s shared items in Google Reader.)

4 Responses to “Sarkozy calls for a halt to ‘colonization’ during Peres’s state visit”

  1. trajan75 said

    He should be worried about Islamic colonization of France!

  2. avideditor said

    That is probably a major reason in his change of heart and his spouting of pali islamo-fascist propaganda. Welcome back Trajan 75. 🙂 How was india?

  3. trajan75 said

    It was OK, they had an Attitude Problem.
    I’ll sign onto ICQ Wednessday and explain.
    I’m doing a project so I can’t chat.

  4. avideditor said

    Yikes sorry to hear you had some trouble. Do you want to take your anger out on some trolls? I have 6 crazies waiting to get there comments through and I have Glen from this thread. https://avideditor.wordpress.com/2008/03/08/reuters-hits-rock-bottom/#comment-101.

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