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Warning to Jewish Centers: U.S. & Canada (6 months ago)

Posted by Glezele Vayne on May 21, 2009


I read the cited post below when it first came out, back in January. Walid Shoebat warns Americans of the coming danger. The producers of Homegrown Jihad warn us. I personally don’t believe the guys from the most recent NYC arrests acted on their own. Muslims are permitted to lie in order to “protect Islam” and jihad is a inseparable part of Islam. Mr. Shoebat gives examples from in his own life as to how jihadis speak around Westerners

Warning to Jewish Centers: U.S. & Canada

“6 January 2009: Despite official U.S. intelligence reports denying specific threat information as a result of Israeli action in Gaza, the Northeast Intelligence Network has confirmed increased terrorist “chatter” that specifically suggests pre-operational planning by Muslim terrorist operatives against Jewish assets and people throughout North America.”

Then, we have the headlines of yesterday, of which we are all familiar by now.

Four Muslims Arrested in NYC Terror Plot

“21 MAY 2009: The FBI has made four arrests in an alleged New York City terrorism plot. Initial reports are that the four had been scheming to blow up a Jewish synagogue in the Bronx with a car bomb (VBIED).”

And then the apologists come, saying these new “prison converts” don’t really understand Islam, had to be corrected numerous times, blah blah blah.

And to that I respond with a good ol Jihad Watch article. None better to match the situation:

Mosque leader: Would-be Bronx synagogue bomber is Misunderstander of Islam

“He doesn’t explain, of course, how exactly the aptly-named Laguerre (“Amin”) Payen misunderstands Islam. Have you ever noticed that Muslim spokesmen who make this claim never bother to explain it?”

In this AP video, an interesting comment made by NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly. “They stated that they wanted to commit jihad. “ Does one commit marriage, commit charity, commit lifesaving on a drowning person? No, one commits crimes — one of which could be jihad. I found the video with him making this statement, which I think reveals what even politically correct people think. It’s really fascinating to observe how folks construct their sentences when they’re not on guard.

I’m not saying Commission Kelly suffers from political corrrectness. I haven’t observed him enough to know one way or the other. But I’ll be a lot of PC folks would use the phrase “commit jihad” while jihadis would use different phraseology, perhaps “perform jihad”, or “do jihad” or something to that effect.

As for homegrown jihadis, there are a more than few to be concerned about. People tend to diffuse their fear of such by exclaiming that they are stupid, or crazy. I doubt most of them are either, men from story above excluded. I’m sure there is an element of maladjustment that most suffer from. Dr. Wafa Sultan says it’s impossible to be devout Muslim and be a whole person psychologically. That doesn’t mean they have below level IQ’s or are insane.

WorldNetDaily has an article about one group in particular, Revolution Muslim, one Youseff al-khattab, aka Joe Cohen, aka Joe Kaplan, of Jewish parentage, being the “Amir and Chief Executive Officer”. Below I have posted a response to one of his visitors. WARNING: The discourse at the site barely qualifies as a “level”, from either side, so don’t go there looking for enlightenment, Jewish, Christian or Islamic. I’m just shaking my head, wondering what went wrong here. From my brief scanning of the site, Kaplan was a yeshiva bochur… possibly Chabad. I didn’t study it that much, but in any case, this is so very tragic for him, and for the Jewish people, to lose a son to this…

Here’s Kaplan in his own words.

Judaism has different levels of learning, the highest according to them is nistar or the hidden understanding. With this being said and the ample amount of Rabbis molesting kids (see http://www.rabbiwatch.com for more proof) yes indeed Jewish blood liables are possible and most definitely probable based on non Jewish historical records. All I remember from Passover is Jewish parents rewarding kids for stealing a afikomen and not bating for sometimes 3 days on end.

Enjoying Non Yashon Chomitz,
Yousef al-Khattab

P.S. My Wife’s family is Melul not Abitbol.

Here’s his happy video:


On the video posted in the left side-bar of Revolution Muslim, the speaker starts by saying “Am Israel Die! Am Israel Die!”, a macabre play on the traditional celebration song Jews sing “Am Yisrael Chai”, meaning “the people of Israel live”. I can’t tell if Kaplan is the man in the video making this statement or not, but he clearly endorses. Otherwise, he has three options. Cut the offending words out, don’t post the video, or add a disclaimer specific to that video.

To be fair, at his forum, he does have a short little list of “Jews We Like”. Predictably, Chomsky and Finkelstein managed to make the cut. Moses made it too, but then the discussion diverges into claims that Moses was a Muslim, not a Jew. To digress a bit, the debate among scholars on what to call the “Children of Israel” of ancient times is quite lively. According to many, it would be more accurate to call Moshe Hebrew. Modern terminology allows for the two terms to be used interchangeably, the term “Jews” being a favorite due to brevity.The term “Hebrew” has come to refer to the language most of the time. Chaim Potok goes into this briefly in his book on the history of the Jews.

Tell me though, how could Moshe be a Muslim when Islam was not invented yet?? What, he converted retroactively, kind of like how the Mormons do that stuff? Never mind…I’m not all that interested. It’s so whacky. These folks are heavily into revisionist history.

I wonder if Joey will ever see how angry he is? How has Islam made him a better person? His threats against Chabad are very thinly veiled. The disclaimer at the bottom of his page might hold legal water, but I doubt it. The topic and limitations of free speech are covered extensively in case law. Judges and lawyers are not as dumb al-Khattab might suppose. Not to mention, the Patriot Act pretty much abrogates constitutional rights if an individual is suspected of being a terrorist.

From Schmoozing with Elya & Ellie Katz

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