Avid Editor's Insights

Teaching Hatred to Palestinian Children

Posted by Glezele Vayne on March 12, 2009


Arab/Muslim sanctimony is intriguing. In his wrath, Teheran’s Chief Prosecutor, Sayid Mortazavi  has charged 34 Israeli commanders and 115 soldiers with war crimes, in the wake of Israeli defensive measures against Hamas. The Hague is reviewing. More coverage on the likelihood of this actually amounting to something can be found here. Google is your friend. There are several sites that are reporting on this.

Israel seeks to put a stop to the constant barrage of Qassam, et al., rockets which have been launched from Gaza schools, mosques and hospitals. These rockets have been deliberately directed at Israeli kindergartens and other civilian targets for the last 8 years.

Where is Mortazavi when Hamas TV, Palestinian TV, and Lebanon’s al-Manar TV are all busy airing various “educational” children’s programs’ such as the likeness of Mickey Mouse spewing hateful Islamic supremacist messages via the mouths of babes, Hamasnik rabbits threatening to eat Jews, and otherwise encouraging innocent children into vicious hatred and prejudice, brainwashing these children into valuing themselves only for their potential as human bombs???

Here’s the $64,000 question: Where is Disney?!? The Walt Disney Company is known for jealously guarding any trademarked images, to the point of threatening to sue daycare centers in the US, should they have the temerity to paint murals of Mickey Mouse on their walls without prior permission, possibly including steep licensing fees.

Disney suing Hamas via the Hague. I would follow such a case. Get out the popcorn folks, cause this is going to be more entertaining than an episode of The Three Stooges. (Yeah, I don’t have high regard for Disney either.)

Judge Judy, where are you when we need you??

Getting back to the point, if Mortazavi wants to go that route, I suggest some international law specialist draft charges against Hamas, Hezbollah and any other organization which involve themselves with such activities. Charge them with child abuse related war crimes, and present those to the Hague.

Any organization that can be proven to be actively indoctrinating children to glorify suicide in any form, or that encourages them to become  suicide “martyrs”, or that clearly allows or coerces children into becoming combatants/child soldiers, military couriers or in any other military capacity– should be charged with war crimes.

If any parent can be proven to be encouraging their children to become suicide bombers or to enter in military zones to engage soldiers in any manner, then that parent can be subject to charges of parental incompetence, or child abuse, and can then be vulnerable to loss of said children.

If a parent can be proven to be cooperating with organizations, such as Hamas, Fatah or Hezbollah, that make a practice of using children in their conflicts, or of indoctrinating their children to commit suicide, or to entering into a military conflict when they are minors, then those parents can be subject to the same charges.

If parents feared they would lose their children when abusing them in this manner, we might see a very quick reversal in these activities. I’m sure there are many international law experts capable of drafting sufficiently specific and effective charges to this effect, and introduce them to that bastion of truth and justice, the Hague.

“They forget the usual rules of morality and law.  For example, when a murderer takes a hostage and fires from behind his human shield, and a policeman, in an effort to stop the shooting accidentally kills the hostage, the law of every country holds the hostage taker guilty of murder even though the policeman fired the fatal shot.  The same is true of the law of war.  The use of human shields, in the way Hamas uses the civilian population of Gaza, is a war crime–as is its firing of rockets at Israeli civilians.  Every human shield that is killed by Israeli self defense measures is the responsibility of Hamas, but you wouldn’t know that from watching the media coverage. “ The Hamas War Crime Strategy by Alan Dershowitz

More excellent articles on the subject of Israel’s right to self defense, and what actions do constitute a violation of international law HERE.

From Schmoozing with Elya & Ellie Katz

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