Avid Editor's Insights

Audio: Alaska, Israel, and Their Struggle for Sovereignty

Posted by Glezele Vayne on April 27, 2009


Tamar Yonah of Israel National News interviews Lynette Clark of the Alaska Independent Party.  Due to consistent and long term violations of the Ninth and Tenth to the United States Constitution, there are now 30 states who have passed resolutions in their state legislatures which may lead to a constitutional convention at some point in the relatively near future. The subject of such a convention would be the infringement upon state sovereignty by the federal government.

If a constitutional convention is called, and the federal government fails to restrict itself to it’s constitutionally mandated boundaries, then according to the Alaska Independent Party, there are states who are interested in the secession option. Two thirds of the states need to vote in favor of a constitutional convention in order for one to be held.

Anybody who knows me knows I’ve seen this coming for a long time. The people have been patient and long-suffering. I’m glad to see that this is being done methodically and within the bounds of the law.


From  Schmoozing with Elya & Ellie Katz

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