Avid Editor's Insights

Washington DC Training Terrorists to Fight Israel

Posted by Glezele Vayne on July 23, 2009


Arutz Sheva’s Yehudah HaKohen of the Zionist Freedom Alliance gave an interesting talk/interview, to which I recently listened.

Audio: Demographic Scare Tactics & Arab Refugees

Notes taken as I listened, with later enhancements due to a big of poking around on google —

Obama is setting up a permanent command post in Israel. He will be assigning four deputies to this permanent command post, who will be directly accountable to Washington DC.

Mara Rudman
– Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress

Fred Hoff – Long time advocate for surrender of Golan to the Syrians

David Hale – Architect of American policy to rebuild Hezbollah infested Lebanese army

Lt. Gen’l Keith Dayton – In charge of training a PA force, has stated that this army will turn on Israel if Israel refuses to expel Jews from Judea and Samaria.

Dayton insists that the training these men receive by the U.S. is not designed to be turned against Israel. Okay, but read this:

Fatah Forces Jews out of Jerusalem Home; Arabs Destroy It

Also consider the words of Muhammad Dahlan, senior Fatah operative:

Vodpod videos no longer available.

2009 Fiscal Year Supplemental Appropriates Bill
has allocated $109 million towards builing and training the Palestinian Authority “security forces” (Fatah Army which will be loyal to Mahmoud Abbas.

Congress is currently evaluating an Administrative request to direct another $100 million towards this Fatah Army in 2010.

According to Caroline Glick, General Jim Jones, who is Obama’s current security advisor, and was Condoleeza Rice’s special advisor on Arab Israeli issues, authored a report which recommended an assessment of Israel’s minimal security needs in relation to Judea & Samaria for the purposes of limiting support to Israel in fulfilling those necessary minimal interests. He rejected all Jewish claims to Judea and Samaria and was viewed as very hostile to the Jewish people.

Grimacing to a victory, and grinning to a defeat by Caroline Glick

Under Mitchell and Jones, according to a report in Yediot Acharonot, the US is building an apparatus designed to prevent Israel from exercising independent judgement about tactical  and strategic challenges, while denying Israel’s ability to secure her interests without US involvement and consent.

Obama’s High Commissioner by Caroline Glick (cites the Yediot Acharonot article)

To quote Yehudah HaKohen: “US foreign agents will be stationed in Israel, will report to Jones & Mitchell, who will report to Obama.”  Furthermore, HaKohen notes that George Mitchell will be acting in this capacity, if not in name, as a foreign colonial governor.

From Schmoozing with Elya & Ellie Katz

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