Avid Editor's Insights

CJ of LGF is an anti-Semite. But is he a “pedophile” too?

Posted by avideditor on October 13, 2009

Update: I do not see him here. Do you?

It is beyond dangerous to say that someone saying it is important to protect jews is invoking the holocaust. That is not what beck said. He is attacking anyone that stands up for the protecting the lives of Jews in doing that. Here you can here the clip he uses here, Listen to it yourself.

I was not going to go there but since he just made a false accusation that puts my life at risk I am going to do it. TimeTraveler at Hot Air asked

“I think Charle Johnsn was once arrested for child molestation.

Anyone can confirm this?”

Does anyone have proof. Is he a pedophile and a child molester? Or is that just a false rummer and that possible Junkie that breaks the TOS of Pay Pal is just a anti-semite that needs help.

13 Responses to “CJ of LGF is an anti-Semite. But is he a “pedophile” too?”

  1. Pure character assassination is abhorrent to me. Y’all are on your own with this, and I won’t be a part of it.

  2. Charles Johnson is right: when right-wing smear merchants attack « Wild Irish Rose said

    […] This, dear readers, is what libel REALLY looks like. […]

  3. Charles Johnson is right: when right-wing smear merchants attack « Wild Irish Rose said

    […] This, dear readers, is what libel REALLY looks like. […]

  4. […] This, dear readers, is what libel REALLY looks like. […]

  5. Roscoe said

    Bravo Sir……..you might like to check this out………


    Better late than never, eh what?

  6. A Ninny Moose said

    Hey Paula, Andrea, Brandon, Bill:

    Get a f&cking job, you f*cking losers

  7. First of all, great article; it’s very helpful to all of us who are developing content-oriented Drupal websites.

  8. Hmm… this looks like it’s definitely worth trying! I will bookmark that module and work on it on the dev site as soon as I can.

  9. […] Isreal. So I ask again are the reports that have been floating around that you are a pedophile accurate? You are as bad if not worse than Maher. […]

  10. […] Comments Is the possible pedo… on CJ of LGF is an anti-Semite. B…avideditor on THIS DAY April 16allisha on THIS DAY April 16Rose on Obama […]

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