Avid Editor's Insights

“Partner for Peace” threatens violence

Posted by avideditor on May 18, 2008

I found this at Israel Matzav and I don’t think I can say this better myself. So enjoy. 

‘Partner for peace’ threatens to resign


‘Moderate’ ‘Palestinian’ PresidentMahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen hasthreatened to resignonce again if a deal is not reached with Israel to give him astatereichlet in the next six months.

Speaking to former Meretz chairman Yossi Beilin on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Sharm e-Sheikh, the PA president said that the next six months were the most crucial and that if no agreement is reached between the Israelis and the Palestinians within that time, there will be no reason for him to continue in his role.

“Israel will not have a better partner than the group leading the PLO today, which believes the Palestinian interest is a historic reconciliation with Israel and a Palestinian state alongside it,” said Abbas, adding that if there is no agreement, “Israel will find itself with no partner at all.”

Abbas went on to say that a deadlock in peace negotiations would likely bring the Middle East back to “the tragedy of 2000 which followed the failure at Camp David,” Army Radio reported.

In other words, Israel should give the ‘Palestinians’ whatever they want or face another intifada. And of course, Shimon Peres’ old poodleimmediately passed on the message.

Abu Mazen’s constant threats to resign remind me of David Frye’s imitation of the late Hubert Humphrey included in this tape from my youth. Enjoy!

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