Avid Editor's Insights

Muslims Selling Children To Taliban

Posted by DJM on July 2, 2009

Is this really any surprise?

For decades, Palestinians have been sacrificing their children for the propaganda war with Israel. Muslims around the world have shown that they prefer death over peace. They slaughter their children in the name of Allah, in the name of Muhammad, for family “honour”, or for the opportunity to reach paradise. Muslims will happily kill or be killed for Islam.

Nothing is sacred. Nothing except one’s own salvation.

The Taliban is buying children as young as 7 to be used as homicide bombers against U.S., Afghan and Pakistani targets, The Washington Times reported.

Baitullah Mehsud, Pakistan’s top Taliban leader, is paying between $7,000 and $14,000 for each child bomber, according to a Pakistani official who spoke to the newspaper with the contingency he not be named because of the sensitive nature of the topic.

The business of child bombers is lucrative in Pakistan where the average per-capita income is about $2,600 a year, the Times reported.

“[Mehsud] has turned suicide bombing into a production output, not unlike [the way] Toyota outputs cars,” a U.S. Defense Department official recently told reporters.

The price paid for the child depends mostly on how fast the bomber is needed and how close the child will get to the target.

A U.S. Defense Department official told the Times children are being kidnapped and sold to the Taliban just to receive the money.


(Cross-posted at Al Salibiyyah)

One Response to “Muslims Selling Children To Taliban”

  1. elyakatz said


    Watch the 5 part series over at Atlas. One of the perpetrators of the Mumbai massacre was sold to the organization that masterminded that atrocity by his father. When his father told him (the young man looks looks like he’s an older teenager or in his early 20’s) said he would go to heaven and his other brothers would be able to afford wives.


    I think I’m going to copy those videos (they’re on youtube)and put them on my blog. I watched them but they made me so sick, I didn’t want them. However, they are important.

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