Avid Editor's Insights

Warning Soros Union Thug organizer MoveOn.org is collecting your IP number to make it seem like you support Union Thugs if you go to their site

Posted by avideditor on February 23, 2011

Over 15K tea party members come to support the governor in Wisconsin against the Union Thugs
Wisconsin Public Sector Union Protesters Are Racists
Proof that the commies are working with the Jihadis in Egypt Average Milwaukee Wisconsin Teacher Compensation Tops $100k Jihadis in their own words. Muslim Brotherhood edition Obama Contrasted with Allen West State of the Union SOT Doctors giving legitimacy to the Union Thugs in Wisconsin need to get their medical license revoked Doctors giving legitimacy to the Union Thugs in Wisconsin need to get their medical license revoked 2 video evidence Doctors giving legitimacy to the Union Thugs in Wisconsin need to get their medical license revoked 3 video evidence Video of Drugged out Union Thugs and Anarchist in Wisconsin. Keep these commies away from our children fire and arrest them now. Union Thugs continue to run away from the republic want to impose a tyranny First Wisconsin now Indiana VOTERS SIDE WITH SCOTT WALKER… Only 38% Support Radical Gov Union Thugs Union Thug and Jihadi Cartoons and comics laugh at the libtards and jihadisUnion Thug Commies in Wisconsin who will your rob when the wealth has been spread anti commie sign and link to Wi Tea Party pic gallery

From MoveOn.org Systematically & Fraudulently Skewing Anti-Walker ‘Call to Action’ Support Results [Screenshot]

Thanks to AMORC11 of ‘Another Day at the Foundry’ there is solid proof that MoveOn.org is capturing IP’s, an underhanded dirty trick to fraudulently gather signatures of support for their “50-State Mobilization to Save the American Dream”.


read the rest at MoveOn.org Systematically & Fraudulently Skewing Anti-Walker ‘Call to Action’ Support Results [Screenshot]

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