Avid Editor's Insights

Ground Zero Imam: Non Believers Go to Jail!

Posted by avideditor on January 24, 2011

Insane Jihadi want to convert or enslave us all. And we are letting this wacko build a mosque next to Ground Zero ?

From Ground Zero Imam: Non Believers Go to Jail!
We all knew this Ground Zero mosque was really a front for Islamic terrorism. I mean, listen to this guy. He’s openly asking that people who leave Islam and become apostates AGAINST Islam, should be put in jail!

No, Mr. goat fucker, it’s the other way around. YOU should be put in jail for encouraging terrorism. We know that’s what you do in mosques around the US. We’re on to you.

But keep talking. The more you spew your hate, the more Americans will learn the truth about Islam.

Do all terrorist lovers look this inbred?

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